The BFM provides support on literature search via assisted search service.
An expert librarian will:
Service charges: free (UniTO students, UniTO faculty/staff & healthcare practitioners of Città della Salute and AOU San Luigi Gonzaga); € 50,00 per session (all other users).
Assisted searches are offered:
Approximate length of sessions: 1:30/2 hours.
Location of the search sessions: Polo Molinette, Polo San Luigi, Presidio Dental School, Polo Rosmini Professioni Sanitarie.
Please use the following contacts to fix an appointment for an assisted search session on site:
You can fill in this form to ask for remote support. Please explain as much as possible your information needs, and leave us also your phone number and an e-mail address (preferably your institutional one), in case we need to contact you back for further details. If necessary, we may also arrange a webex meeting.
We will then elaborate and send you both a list of the most appropriate bibliographic sources for your search questions, and ready-to-be-launched, database-specific search queries.
You can also send an e-mail request to as an alternative to the online form. In particular, prefer this channel to ask for support when you want to publish a systematic review (or another type of review), or if you want to develop a practice guideline. In fact, it will be necessary to plan a preliminary meeting (via webex or in presence) to clarify the work assumptions and find an agreement on all its methodological aspects. You can send us some proposals for dates in your request email.
Available only for students, and faculty/staff members of UniTO Courses, Schools, Departments or other structures that arranged agreements with BFM for Skype support on bibliographic searches (check the list below). Free of charge service.
If your structure is on the list, call +39 011 6705874 to fix an appointment. At the chosen date and time, you will receive bibliographic research support by attending a video call session on a dedicated desktop through your structure Skype account.