IN EVIDENCE: List of COURSE TEXTBOOKS in e-book format.

Interlibrary Loan

BFM users

If a book you need is not available in UniTo Libraries, BFM can borrow it from other libraries (ILL – Inter Library Loan service).

The service is available for all BFM users.


How long can I take ILL items?

Due dates are set by the lending library. The date is final, no loan renewal is allowed.


Where do I return items?

Please return items to the BFM site where you borrowed them.


How much does ILL cost?

National ILL (e.g. requests to Italian libraries): € 8,00 (UniTO students); € 12,00 (UniTO faculty/staff & healthcare practitioners of Città della Salute and AOU San Luigi Gonzaga)

Subito ILL (e.g. requests to German libraries): € 18,00 (UniTO students); € 22,00 (UniTO faculty/staff & healthcare practitioners of Città della Salute and AOU San Luigi Gonzaga)