IN EVIDENCE: List of COURSE TEXTBOOKS in e-book format.
Benedetta BUSSOLATI (Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences)
Adriano CECCARELLI (Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences)
Paola CERUTI (Department of Surgical Sciences)
Gabriella GRUDEN (Department of Medical Sciences)
Monica PENTENERO (Department of Oncology)
Paola ROCCA (Department of Neurosciences "Rita Levi Montalcini")
Carla Maria ZOTTI (Department of Public Health and Pediatrics)
Other members
Valeria BELLISARIO (resident representative)
Silvia GARIGLIO (library staff representative)
Federica GHELLI (PhD student representative)
Stefano TESTA (student representative)
Sonia VITIELLO (library staff representative)